Welcome, Daily use English Sentences set-18 मे आप सभी students का स्वागत है आज के इस पोस्ट मे पुनः 100+ ऐसे sentences को दिया गया है । जिसे रोज या अक्सर हम और आप हिंदी मे बोलते हैं । परंतु इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से आप इन सभी sentences को English मे बोलना सीखेंगे ।
New Notice update about Daily use English Sentences
Daily use Hindi to English Sentences -- के सभी Practice Set बाले पोस्ट के लिंक Category " Daily use English Sentences link List. " मे क्रमशः दिए गए हैं । यहाँ आपको एक साथ एक ही पृष्ठ मे सभी Practice Set वाले पोस्ट के link क्रमशः दिए गए हैं । यह Category Site के नीचले भाग मे है । या फिर आप नीचे दिए गए link पर click करके जा सकते हैं ।
# Step 1.
बाँयें घूमो ।
Turn left.
दाँये घूमो ।
Turn right.
सीधे जाओ ।
go straight.
अंदर आ जाइए ।
Come in.
उसे रोको मत ।
don't stop him.
# Step 2.
तुम पेटू हो ।
you are glutton.
टेबल लगा दो ।
Set the table.
पट्टी बांध लो ।
Tie the bandage.
अपनीं नाक पोंछो ।
wipe your nose.
जल्दबाजी मत करों ।
don't be hasty.
# Step 3.
यह आसान नहीं है ।
it's not easy.
थोड़ी तो शर्म करो ।
feel a bit shy.
यह सामान्य नहीं है ।
it's not simple.
यह मेरा दायित्व है ।
it's my liability.
यह मेरी जिम्मेदारी है ।
it's my liability.
# Step 4.
मुझे ये चाहिए ।
i want this.
मुझे वो चाहिए ।
i want that.
यह नामुमकिन है ।
it's impossible.
ऐसा नहीं हो सकता ।
it's impossible.
कृपया मेरी मदद करें ।
please help me.
Daily use english sentences with proper hindi meaning-how can i speak simple english in daily life.
Most common examples is here.
# Step 5.
तुम देर से आए ।
you came late.
जेब खाली है ।
Pocket is empty.
तुम बेवकूफ हो ।
you are stupid.
अपनी आँखें खोलो ।
Open your eyes.
अपनी आँखें बंद करो ।
Close your eyes.
# Step 6.
चुपचाप यहाँ बैठो ।
Sit here quietly.
आगबबूला मत हो ।
don't be furious.
क्या संयोग है ?
What a coincidence.
आगे क्या हुआ ?
What happened next ?
तुम एक हरामखोर हो ।
you are a rascal.
# Step 7.
मुझे चाय पसंद है ।
i like tea.
मुझे coffee पसंद है ।
i like coffee.
सबलोग कैसे हैं ?
How is everybody ?
वो हार नहीं मानेंगा ।
He won't give up.
कौन इसे कर सकता है ?
How can do it ?
# Step 8.
मेरा हाथ छोड़ दो ।
Leave my hand.
मेरा हाथ छोड़ दो ।
Release my hand.
अपनी गलती मान लो ।
Admit your mistake.
मुझे इसमें मत घसीटो ।
don't drag me into it.
इसे मजाक में मत लो ।
don't take it jokingly.
# Step 9.
अपने नाखून मत चबाओ ।
Don't bite your nails.
Don't chew your nails.
मेरा मूड खराब मत करो ।
Don't spoil my mood.
राजू मेरा शुभचिंतक है ।
Raju is my well-wisher.
वह बहुत गुस्सैल है ।
He is short-tempered.
वह एक बेशर्म इंसान है ।
He is a shameless person.
# Step 10.
उसे उकसाओ मत ।
Don't provoke him.
उसे भड़काओ मत ।
Don't provoke him.
उसे गुमराह मत करो ।
Don't misguide her.
वह तुम्हें मार सकता है ।
He might hit you.
उनके पास स्पष्ट बहुमत है ।
They have clear majority.
# Step 11.
इसे गंभीरता से मत लो ।
Don't take it seriously.
आपकी बड़ी मेहरबानी होगी ।
It's very kind of you.
मुझे नखरे मत दिखाओ ।
Don't show me tantrums.
हम किसी तरह संभाल लेंगे ।
We will manage somehow.
तुम मुझे क्यों ढूंढ रहे थे ?
Why were you looking for me ?
# Step 12.
उसने मुझे अंधेरे मे रखा ।
She kept me in the dark.
उसकी बातों पर ध्यान मत दो ।
Don't focus on his words.
मुझे मना करना अच्छा नहीं लगता ।
i don't like to refuse.
कुछ बड़ा करने की सोंचो ।
Think of doing something big.
अपनी नखरें मुझे मत दिखाओ ।
Don't show me your tantrums.
Spoken English sentences meaning in hindi - english sentences used in daily life.
Learn english speaking sentences
# Step 13.
मै तो बस यूं ही कह दिया ।
i just said casually.
तुमने तो कमाल ही कर दिया ।
You did wonders.
तुम्हारी तबियत ठीक है न ?
Is your health alright ?
इसमें कोई शक नहीं है ।
There is no doubt in it.
मै तुम्हारी बात क्यों सुनूँ ?
Why should i listen to you ?
# Step 14.
यह चिंता का विषय है ।
It is the topic of concern.
इतना निराशावादी मत बनो ।
Don't be so pessimistic.
वह निराशावादी व्यक्ति है ।
He is a pessimistic person.
यह तुम्हारी गलतफहमी है ।
It's your misunderstanding.
उसको गलतफहमी हो गई है ।
She has a misunderstanding.
# Step 15.
मै यहाँ पास मे रहता हूँ ।
i live in near here.
मै तुम्हें ताना नहीं दे रहा हूँ ।
i am not taunting you.
क्या तुम मेरे लिए काम करोगे ?
Will you work for me ?
मेरे साथ हमेशा ऐसा ही होता है ।
It always happens with me.
मै तुम्हें समझा रहा हूँ ।
i am making you understand.
# Step 16.
मेरे पास खाने का समय नहीं है ।
i don't have time to eat.
मेरे पास बैठने का समय नहीं है ।
i don't have time to sit.
मेरे पास खेलने का समय नहीं है ।
i don't have time to play.
मेरे पास बात करने का समय नहीं है ।
i don't have time to talk.
मेरे पास समझाने का समय नहीं है ।
i don't have time to explain.
# Step 17.
मुझे आपका आशीर्वाद चाहिए ।
i need your blessing.
मुझे अपने फैसले पर पछतावा है ।
i regret my decision.
मै अफवाहों पर विश्वास नहीं करता ।
i don't believe in rumours.
उसके लिए मुझे सोचना होगा/पड़ेगा ।
i will have to think for that.
एक घंटे बाद मुझसे यहीं मिलना ।
Meet me right here after an hour.
# Step 18.
मुझे ये किसी भी तरह करना ही पड़ेगा ।
i have to do it anyhow.
वो खुद को समझता क्या है ?
What does he think of himself ?
वह अपने काम में निपुण है ।
He is proficient at his job/word.
उसकी भविष्यवाणी अक्सर सही होती है ।
His predictions are often right.
अपने दिमाग से यह बात निकाल दो ।
Get/take this thing out of your mind.
# Step 19.
मेरे पास एक पल की भी फुर्सत नहीं है ।
i have not a moment leisure.
कहना आसान है पर करना मुश्किल ।
It's easy to say but difficult to do.
उन्होंने दिल्ली जाने की ठान रखी है ।
They are determined to go to delhi.
इतना घमंड सही नहीं है ।
This much arrogance is not good.
इसे आराम से नीचे रखों ।
Keep/put it down comfortablely/gently.
# Step 20.
मै दुविधा मे हूँ, क्या करूँ
i am in dilemma, what to do ?
मै आपकी दुविधा समझता हूँ ।
i understand your dilemma.
क्या कोई और विकल्प है ?
Is there any other alternative ?
कोई दूसरा विकल्प नहीं बचा है ।
There is no other alternative left.
मै किसी पर बोझ नहीं बनना चाहता हूँ ।
i don't want to be a burden on anyone.
शहर मे लगातार हाई अलर्ट है ।
There is high alert constantly in the city.
# Step 21.
बुरे काम का नतीजा हमेशा बुरा ही होता है ।
A bad deed always has a bad result.
क्या अनाप शनाप बक रहे हो ?
What rubbish are you talking about ?
सारे फसाद/मुसीबतों की जड़ तुम हो ।
You are the root cause of all evils/troubles.
यदि आप Daily use English Sentences के पिछले पोस्ट को पढना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दिए गए link पर click करके पढें ।
Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-15.
Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-16.
Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-17.
Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-19.
Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-20.
Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-21.
Daily use Hindi to English Sentences -- के सभी Practice Set बाले पोस्ट के लिंक Category " Daily use English Sentences link List. " मे क्रमशः दिए गए हैं । यहाँ आपको एक साथ एक ही पृष्ठ मे सभी Practice Set वाले पोस्ट के link क्रमशः दिए गए हैं । यह Category Site के नीचले भाग मे है । या फिर आप नीचे दिए गए link पर click करके जा सकते हैं ।
Daily use short & long sentences for daily english speaking-it's 100+ useful examples is here.
Useful sentences for daily use in english speaking.# Step 1.
बाँयें घूमो ।
Turn left.
दाँये घूमो ।
Turn right.
सीधे जाओ ।
go straight.
अंदर आ जाइए ।
Come in.
उसे रोको मत ।
don't stop him.
# Step 2.
तुम पेटू हो ।
you are glutton.
टेबल लगा दो ।
Set the table.
पट्टी बांध लो ।
Tie the bandage.
अपनीं नाक पोंछो ।
wipe your nose.
जल्दबाजी मत करों ।
don't be hasty.
# Step 3.
यह आसान नहीं है ।
it's not easy.
थोड़ी तो शर्म करो ।
feel a bit shy.
यह सामान्य नहीं है ।
it's not simple.
यह मेरा दायित्व है ।
it's my liability.
यह मेरी जिम्मेदारी है ।
it's my liability.
# Step 4.
मुझे ये चाहिए ।
i want this.
मुझे वो चाहिए ।
i want that.
यह नामुमकिन है ।
it's impossible.
ऐसा नहीं हो सकता ।
it's impossible.
कृपया मेरी मदद करें ।
please help me.
Daily use english sentences with proper hindi meaning-how can i speak simple english in daily life.
Most common examples is here.
# Step 5.
तुम देर से आए ।
you came late.
जेब खाली है ।
Pocket is empty.
तुम बेवकूफ हो ।
you are stupid.
अपनी आँखें खोलो ।
Open your eyes.
अपनी आँखें बंद करो ।
Close your eyes.
# Step 6.
चुपचाप यहाँ बैठो ।
Sit here quietly.
आगबबूला मत हो ।
don't be furious.
क्या संयोग है ?
What a coincidence.
आगे क्या हुआ ?
What happened next ?
तुम एक हरामखोर हो ।
you are a rascal.
# Step 7.
मुझे चाय पसंद है ।
i like tea.
मुझे coffee पसंद है ।
i like coffee.
सबलोग कैसे हैं ?
How is everybody ?
वो हार नहीं मानेंगा ।
He won't give up.
कौन इसे कर सकता है ?
How can do it ?
# Step 8.
मेरा हाथ छोड़ दो ।
Leave my hand.
मेरा हाथ छोड़ दो ।
Release my hand.
अपनी गलती मान लो ।
Admit your mistake.
मुझे इसमें मत घसीटो ।
don't drag me into it.
इसे मजाक में मत लो ।
don't take it jokingly.
Daily use sentences for conversations in english for speaking-how can I speak normal english.
Useful sentences for daily use.# Step 9.
अपने नाखून मत चबाओ ।
Don't bite your nails.
Don't chew your nails.
मेरा मूड खराब मत करो ।
Don't spoil my mood.
राजू मेरा शुभचिंतक है ।
Raju is my well-wisher.
वह बहुत गुस्सैल है ।
He is short-tempered.
वह एक बेशर्म इंसान है ।
He is a shameless person.
# Step 10.
उसे उकसाओ मत ।
Don't provoke him.
उसे भड़काओ मत ।
Don't provoke him.
उसे गुमराह मत करो ।
Don't misguide her.
वह तुम्हें मार सकता है ।
He might hit you.
उनके पास स्पष्ट बहुमत है ।
They have clear majority.
# Step 11.
इसे गंभीरता से मत लो ।
Don't take it seriously.
आपकी बड़ी मेहरबानी होगी ।
It's very kind of you.
मुझे नखरे मत दिखाओ ।
Don't show me tantrums.
हम किसी तरह संभाल लेंगे ।
We will manage somehow.
तुम मुझे क्यों ढूंढ रहे थे ?
Why were you looking for me ?
# Step 12.
उसने मुझे अंधेरे मे रखा ।
She kept me in the dark.
उसकी बातों पर ध्यान मत दो ।
Don't focus on his words.
मुझे मना करना अच्छा नहीं लगता ।
i don't like to refuse.
कुछ बड़ा करने की सोंचो ।
Think of doing something big.
अपनी नखरें मुझे मत दिखाओ ।
Don't show me your tantrums.
Spoken English sentences meaning in hindi - english sentences used in daily life.
Learn english speaking sentences
# Step 13.
मै तो बस यूं ही कह दिया ।
i just said casually.
तुमने तो कमाल ही कर दिया ।
You did wonders.
तुम्हारी तबियत ठीक है न ?
Is your health alright ?
इसमें कोई शक नहीं है ।
There is no doubt in it.
मै तुम्हारी बात क्यों सुनूँ ?
Why should i listen to you ?
# Step 14.
यह चिंता का विषय है ।
It is the topic of concern.
इतना निराशावादी मत बनो ।
Don't be so pessimistic.
वह निराशावादी व्यक्ति है ।
He is a pessimistic person.
यह तुम्हारी गलतफहमी है ।
It's your misunderstanding.
उसको गलतफहमी हो गई है ।
She has a misunderstanding.
# Step 15.
मै यहाँ पास मे रहता हूँ ।
i live in near here.
मै तुम्हें ताना नहीं दे रहा हूँ ।
i am not taunting you.
क्या तुम मेरे लिए काम करोगे ?
Will you work for me ?
मेरे साथ हमेशा ऐसा ही होता है ।
It always happens with me.
मै तुम्हें समझा रहा हूँ ।
i am making you understand.
# Step 16.
मेरे पास खाने का समय नहीं है ।
i don't have time to eat.
मेरे पास बैठने का समय नहीं है ।
i don't have time to sit.
मेरे पास खेलने का समय नहीं है ।
i don't have time to play.
मेरे पास बात करने का समय नहीं है ।
i don't have time to talk.
मेरे पास समझाने का समय नहीं है ।
i don't have time to explain.
English speaking sentences with proper hindi meaning|Everyday use english sentences with hindi meaning.
Attractive sentences for daily use# Step 17.
मुझे आपका आशीर्वाद चाहिए ।
i need your blessing.
मुझे अपने फैसले पर पछतावा है ।
i regret my decision.
मै अफवाहों पर विश्वास नहीं करता ।
i don't believe in rumours.
उसके लिए मुझे सोचना होगा/पड़ेगा ।
i will have to think for that.
एक घंटे बाद मुझसे यहीं मिलना ।
Meet me right here after an hour.
# Step 18.
मुझे ये किसी भी तरह करना ही पड़ेगा ।
i have to do it anyhow.
वो खुद को समझता क्या है ?
What does he think of himself ?
वह अपने काम में निपुण है ।
He is proficient at his job/word.
उसकी भविष्यवाणी अक्सर सही होती है ।
His predictions are often right.
अपने दिमाग से यह बात निकाल दो ।
Get/take this thing out of your mind.
# Step 19.
मेरे पास एक पल की भी फुर्सत नहीं है ।
i have not a moment leisure.
कहना आसान है पर करना मुश्किल ।
It's easy to say but difficult to do.
उन्होंने दिल्ली जाने की ठान रखी है ।
They are determined to go to delhi.
इतना घमंड सही नहीं है ।
This much arrogance is not good.
इसे आराम से नीचे रखों ।
Keep/put it down comfortablely/gently.
# Step 20.
मै दुविधा मे हूँ, क्या करूँ
i am in dilemma, what to do ?
मै आपकी दुविधा समझता हूँ ।
i understand your dilemma.
क्या कोई और विकल्प है ?
Is there any other alternative ?
कोई दूसरा विकल्प नहीं बचा है ।
There is no other alternative left.
मै किसी पर बोझ नहीं बनना चाहता हूँ ।
i don't want to be a burden on anyone.
शहर मे लगातार हाई अलर्ट है ।
There is high alert constantly in the city.
# Step 21.
बुरे काम का नतीजा हमेशा बुरा ही होता है ।
A bad deed always has a bad result.
क्या अनाप शनाप बक रहे हो ?
What rubbish are you talking about ?
सारे फसाद/मुसीबतों की जड़ तुम हो ।
You are the root cause of all evils/troubles.
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Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-15.
Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-16.
Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-17.
Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-19.
Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-21.
इस website पर हम प्रत्येक 2 से 3 दिन मे एक नया पोस्ट Publish करते हैं जिसमे ठीक इसी प्रकार से Daily Use English Sentences को बताए जाते हैं ।
यदि आप भी पढना चाहते हैं । और नये पोस्ट की update पाना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे Site के facebook Page And facebook Group 'Online Hindi Me Help' और Instagram Page " Online.English.Study " को अवश्य join कर लें ।
I hope कि ये पोस्ट आपको helpful लगा होगा । यदि यह पोस्ट आपको helpful लगा हो, तो पोस्ट को अपने friends और Other students को share अवश्य करें।।। जिससे कि वो सब भी इस पोस्ट को पढकर Daily Use English Sentences सीख सकें ।
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