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Daily Use English Sentences With hindi meaning and 100+ English Speaking Sentences used in daily life with hindi meaning.


Learn Spoken English Sentences

चुप रहो ।
Keep quiet

तुम हार रहे हो ।
You are losing.

तुम जीत रहे हो ।
You are winning.

इसे ध्यान मे रखना ।
Keep this in mind.

मैनें तुम्हें फिर से हरा दिया ।
I beat you again.

इसे करते रहो ।
Keep it up.

चीटिंग मत करो ।
Don't misplay.

पागल हो क्या ?
Are you crazy ?

कोशिश करते रहो ।
Keep trying.

अपना मुँह बंद रखो !
Keep your mouth shut!

अच्छा कर रहे हो ऐसे ही करते रहो ।
Keep up the good work.

आकर बता दो ।
Come and tell.

आकर देख लो ।
Come and see.

आकर ले लो ।
Come and take.

आकर मिल लो ।
Come and meet.

जाकर कह दो ।
Go and say.

जाकर पूछ लो ।
Go and ask.

जाकर देख लो ।
Go and see.

जाकर आराम कर लो 
Go and take rest.

जाकर कह दो उसे ।
Go and say to him.

उठकर चाय पी लो ।
Wake up and take tea.

नहाकर खाना खा लो ।
Take a bath and have food.

कैसा लड़का है वो ।
What kind of boy he is.

कैसी लड़की है वो ।
What kind of girl she is.

कैसी लड़की हो तुम ।
What kind of girl you are.

कैसे लड़के हो तुम ।
What kind of boy you are.

कैसा इंसान है वो ।
What kind of person he is.

कैसे पति हो तुम ।
What kind of husband you are.

कैसा मोबाईल है ये ।
What kind of mobile it is.

कैसा इंसान हूँ मै ।
What kind of person i am.

कैसी पत्नी हो तुम ।
What kind of wife you are.

कैसे दोस्त हो तुम ।
What kind of friend you are.

कैसे इंसान हो तुम ।
What kind of person you are.

कैसे कपड़े हैं ये ।
What kind of clothes these are.

सच हमेशा कड़वा होता है ।
The truth is always bitter.

यह मेरे लिए बहुत मायने रखता है ।
It means a lot to me.

क्या तुम अभी भी मुझसे नाराज हो ?
Are you still angery with me ?

तुम इधर उधर क्या देख रहे हो ?
What are you looking around ?

क्या तुम दोनो एक दूसरे को जानते हो ?
Do you know each other ?

मुझे कोई ऐतराज नहीं है । 
I have no objection.

अब तुम्हें कैसा लग रहा है ?
How do you feel now ?

मेरे पास बैठने का समय नहीं है 
I don't have time to sit.

मुझे बताओ तुम्हें क्या चाहिए ?
Tell me what you need ?

तुम्हारा समय समाप्त हो गया ।
Your time is up.

कितने मतलबी हो तुम !
How selfish you are !

तुम इस मामले से दूर रहो ।
You stay out of this matter.

अपनी सलाह अपने पास रखो । 
Keep your advice to yourself.

तुम्हें इतना समय क्यों लग रहा है ? 
Why are you taking so much time ?

मुझे मजबूर मत करो ।
Don't force me.

मै ऐसा नहीं होने दूँगा ।
I will not let it happen.

वो दिखने में कैसा था ? 
How did he look like ?

वो दिखने में कैसा है ? 
How does he look like ?

अब मै तुम्हें कैसे समझाऊँ ?
How do I make you understand ?

तुम ठीक हो ?
Are you okay ?

मै बस पहुँचने ही वाला हूँ । 
I am just about to reach.

तुम वहाँ क्यों छुपे हुए हो ?
Why are you hidding there ?

मै बस घर पहुँचने ही वाला हूँ । 
I am just about to reach home.

मै बस ऑफिस के लिए निकलने ही वाला हूँ ।
I am just about to leave for office.

और कौन वहाँ जा रहा है ? 
Who else is going there ?

अब मै तुम्हें कैसे यकीन दिलाऊँ ?
How do I make you believe now ?

अब मै उसे कैसे यकीन दिलाऊँ ?
How do I make him believe now ?

अब मै उनलोगों को कैसे यकीन दिलाऊँ ?
How do I make them believe now ?

अब मुझे कुछ और नहीं चाहिए ।
Now I want nothing else.
Now I don't want anything else.

तुम किस चीज के बारे में सोच रहे हो ?
What are you thinking about ?
About what are you thinking ?

तुम किस चीज के बारे में बात कर रहे हो ?
What are you talking about ?
About what are you talking ?

ये तुम कह रहे हो ? 
Are you saying this ?

क्या मै तुम्हें बेवकूफ दिखता हूँ ?
Do I look like a fool to you ?

मै कुछ और कहना चाहता हूँ ।
I want to say something else.

वो कुछ और बोलना चाहती है ।
She wants to speak something else.

वो तो कब का चला गया ।/
वो तो बहुत देर पहले चला गया ।
He went too long ago.

मैने तो कब का खा लिया ।/
मैने तो बहुत देर पहले खा लिया ।
I ate too long ago.

मैने तो कब का कर लिया ।/
मैने तो बहुत देर पहले कर लिया ।
I did too long ago.

वो तो कब का आ गया ।/
वो तो बहुत देर पहले आ गया ।
He has come too long ago.

उसकी तो कब की हो गई शादी ।
She got married too long ago.

मै तो कब से कह रहा हूँ ।
मै तो बहुत पहले से कह रहा हूँ ।
I have been saying for a long time.

मै तो कब से सोच रहा था ।
I had been thinking for a long time.

मै तो कब से तैयार बैठा हूँ ।/
मै तो बहुत देर से तैयार बैठा हूँ ।
I have been sitting ready for a long time.

बहुत हो गया ।
It's enough.

बहुत हो गया, अब चुप हो जाओ ।
It's enough, now be silent.
It's enough, now keep quiet.

बहुत हो गया, अब रोना बंद करो ।
It's enough, now stop crying.

बहुत हो गया, अब ज्यादा भाव मत खाओ ।
It's enough, now don't act so pricey.

बहुत हो गया, अब आँसू बहाना बंद करो ।
It's enough, now stop shedding tears.

बहुत हो गया, अब अपने काम से काम रखो ।
It's enough, now mind your own business.

बहुत हो गया, अब मै कुछ नहीं बोलूँगा ।
It's enough, now I will not speak anything.

अब तक तो वो चला गया होगा ।
He must have gone by now.

अब तक तो उसने चाय बना ली होगी ।
She must have made tea by now.

अब तक तो सब सो गये होंगे ।
Everyone must have slept by now.

अब तक तो उसकी शादी हो गई होगी ।
She must have got married by now.

अब तक तो उसने सबको बता दिया होगा ।
He must have told everyone by now.

अब तक तो कपड़े सूख गये होंगे ।
The clothes must have become dry by now.

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