English Speaking Series का यह 20 वांंo पोस्ट है। इस पोस्ट मे 100+ Basic Daily Use English Sentences को include किया गया है ।  इन सभी हिंदी वाक्यों का हम और आप प्रतिदिन बोलने मे प्रयोग करते हैं । इन सभी छोटे छोटे वाक्यों को आप English मे किस प्रकार से बोल सकते हैं, इसका full English Translation इस पोस्ट मे दिए गए हैं । तो चलिए सीखते हैं ।


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Daily use Hindi to English Sentences -- के सभी Practice Set बाले पोस्ट के लिंक Category " Daily use English Sentences link List. " मे क्रमशः दिए गए हैं । यहाँ आपको एक साथ एक ही पृष्ठ मे सभी Practice Set वाले पोस्ट के  link  क्रमशः  दिए गए हैं  ।  यह Category Site के नीचले भाग मे है  ।  या फिर आप नीचे दिए गए link पर click करके जा सकते हैं ।

100 Daily Use English Sentences| English Speaking Sentences for daily use

Learn useful sentences for daily use

# Step-1.

That's all

लेकिन क्यों ?
But why ?

किस लिए ?
For what ?

किसके लिए ?
For whom ?

मैने कहा था ।
i told you.

# Step-2.

सही है ।
That's right.

आसान है ।
It's easy.

क्या नहीं ?
What not ?

कौन जीता ?
Who won ?

किसने कहा ?
Who said ?

# Step-3.

आगे देखो ।
Look ahead.

पीछे देखो ।
Look back.

अंदर देखो ।
Look inside.

बाहर देखो ।
Look outside.

इसे यहाँ रखो ।
Keep it here.

# Step-4.

इसे वहाँ रखो ।
Keep it there.

इसे नीचें रखो ।
Keep it down.

इसे अंदर रखो ।
Keep it inside.

इसे बाहर रखो ।
Keep it outside.

इसे आगे रखो ।
Keep it ahead.

100 English Sentences used in daily life|Frequently used English Sentences in daily life.

Learn Daily Use English Sentences

# Step-5.

छोड़ो मुझे ।
Leave me.

उसे छोड़ो ।
Leave him.

ऊपर फेंको ।
Throw up.

शर्माओ मत ।
Don't be shy.

अच्छा विचार है ।
good idea.

# Step-6.

यह अच्छा है ।
It's good.

मै समझता हूँ ।
i understand.

मै मजबूर हूँ ।
i am helpless.

इशारा मत करो ।
Don't gesture.

ठीक से कहो ।
Speak clearly.

# Step-7.

समय पर आना ।
Come on time.

अभी फोन रखो ।
Hang up now.

ये बहुत महंगा है ।
It's very costly.

वो अब नहीं रहा ।
He is no more.

तुम झूठ बोल रहे हो ।
You are lying.

# Step-8.

कुछ भी तो नहीं ।
Nothing at all.

कौन सा लेना है ।
Which to take.

हमारा क्या ?
What about us ?

यह हानिकारक है ।
It's injurious.

वहाँ तुरंत जाओ ।
Go there at once.

Common Basic English Sentences with Hindi meaning for daily use & it's 100 best examples.

Learn Basic English for daily use

# Step-9.

मुझे डर लगता है ।
i fear.

मैने तुम्हें बताया था ।
i told you.

मुझे धमकी मत दो ।
Don't threaten me.

मै जल्दबाजी मे भूल गया ।
i  forgot  in  haste.

क्या खेल रहे हो ?
What are you playing ?

# Step-10.

वो धोखेबाज है ।
He is a cheater.

सब खत्म हो गया ।
All is over.

जरा यहाँ आना ।
Please come here.

तुम शायद सही हो ।
You may be right.

क्या तुम्हें याद है ?
Do you remember ?

# Step-11.

इसमें वक्त लगेगा ।
It will take time.

यहाँ आकर बैठो ।
Come and sit here.

जोर से मत बोलो ।
Don't speak loudly.

तुम बदल गए हो ।
You have changed.

अफवाह मत फैलाओ ।
Don't spread rumours.

# Step-12.

यह मेरा बस्ता है ।
This/it is my bag.

इसके लिए जगह बनाओ ।
Make room for it.

तमाशा मत करो ।
Don't create a scene.

लोग देख रहे हैं ।
People are watching.

वह अच्छा आदमी है ।
He is a good man/person.

Daily Use English Sentences list or full details & it's short & Long basic examples

Learn English Speaking Sentences

# Step-13.

बगैर देर किए हुए ।
Without delay.

एक योजना बनाओ ।
Make a plan.

तुम थके हुए लग रहे हो ।
You look tired.

कितने बदतमीज हो तुम !
How rude of you !

कुछ नहीं होगा ।
Nothing will happen.

# Step-14.

मै निकल रहा हूँ ।
i am leaving.

इस तरफ से आइये ।
Come this way.

मै वैसा नहीं हूँ ।
i am not like that.

इसका क्या मतलब है ?
What does it mean ?

मै निकलने ही बाला हूँ ।
i am about to leave.

# Step-15.

ये लो तुम्हारा बस्ता ।
Here is your bag.

वह तुम्हें बुला रहा है ।
He is calling you.

मै अपनी गलती मानता हूँ ।
i admit my mistake.

वह आने ही वाला है ।
He is about to come.

यह सरासर गलत है ।
It's absolutely wrong.

# Step-16.

जैसा है वैसा ही रहने दो ।
Let it be as it is.

तुम्हें शक करने की आदत है ।
You have habit to doubt.

यह मेरा अंतिम फैसला है ।
This is my final decision.

मुझे अपना मोबाइल नंo दो ।
Give me your mobile number.

तुम्हारा फोन हमेशा व्यस्त रहता है ।
Your phone is always busy.

English Speaking Practice Lesson 20|Daily Use English Sentences Set 20.

Learn fluently used Sentences

# Step-17.

वह एक अपवाद है ।
That is an exception.

मै तुम्हारा गला घोंट दूंगा ।
i will throttle you.

मै तुम्हारी चटनी बना दूंगा ।
i will pulp you.

मै तुम्हें पटक पटक कर मारूंगा ।
i will flatten you.

आप क्या लेना पसंद करेंगे ?
What would you like to have ?

# Step-18.

लालची मत बनो ।
Don't be greedy.

मुझे चक्कर आ रहा है ।
i am feeling dizzy.

वह तारिफ के काबिल है ।
He is worth praising.

तुमने ऐसा जानबूझकर किया ।
You did this deliberately.

मुझे बहुत ज्यादा छींके आ रही है ।
i am sneezing a lot.

# Step-19.

तुम्हारा लक्ष्य क्या है ?
What's your goal ?

वह बहुत घमंडी है ।
He is so arrogant.

वह एक जिद्दी बच्चा है ।
He is a stubborn child.

तुम जोर जोर से खर्राटे ले रहे थे ।
You were snoring loudly.

वह दर्द से कराह रहा था ।
He was growing with the pain.

# Step-20.

वह अभी भी गुस्से मे है ।
He is still angry.

मुझे रोज हिचकियाँ आती है ।
i  hiccup everyday.

इतना मेरे लिए काफी/पर्याप्त है ।
That's enough for me.

वास्तव में उसने क्या कहा था ?
What did she actually say ?

मै आपको परेशान नहीं करना चाहता हूँ ।
i don't want to bother you.

मै यहाँ खासकर आपसे मिलने आया हूँ ।
i came here specially to meet you.

तुम हमेशा मुझे नीचा दिखाने की कोशिश क्यों करते हो ?
Why do you always try to humiliate me ?

यदि आप पिछले Daily use English Sentences वाले पोस्ट को पढना चाहते हैं । तो नीचे दिए गए link पर click करके पढें ।

Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-17.

Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-18.

Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-19.

Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-21.

Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-22. 

Daily Use Hindi to English Sentences SET-23.

यदि आप "Hindi to English Translation" सीखना चाहते हैं full details में तो उसका link नीचे दिए गए हैं। आप नीचे दिए गए link पर click करके पढ सकते हैं ।
Time And Tense (( Post Link List ))

Present Tense : ♻️ Visit & read 👇

Past Tense : ✳️ Visit & read 👇

Future Tense : ♻️ Visit & read 👇

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यदि आप भी पढना चाहते हैं । और नये पोस्ट की update पाना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे Site के facebook Page And facebook Group 'Online Hindi Me Help' और Instagram Page " Online.English.Study " को अवश्य join कर लें ।

I hope कि ये पोस्ट आपको  helpful  लगा होगा । यदि यह पोस्ट आपको  helpful  लगा हो,  तो पोस्ट को अपने friends  और Other students को  share  अवश्य करें।।। जिससे कि वो सब भी इस पोस्ट को पढकर Daily Use English Sentences सीख सकें ।