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Daily Use English Speaking Sentences With Hindi Meaning SET-52.

Learn Spoken English Sentences

ये क्या बतमिजी है ।
What the hell.

होते कौन हो तुम ?
Who the hell are you ?

कितने बेशर्म हो तुम ।
How shameless you are.

देखने में क्या जाता है । 
What goes to see.

सुनने में क्या जाता है । 
What goes to listen.

पूछने में क्या जाता है । 
What goes to ask.

बोलने में क्या जाता है । 
What goes to speak.

कहने में क्या जाता है । 
What goes to say.

Try करने में क्या जाता है । 
What goes to try.

बात करने में क्या जाता है । 
What goes to talk.

पूछने में कुछ नहीं जाता ।
Nothing goes to ask.

Try करने मे कुछ नहीं जाता ।
Nothing goes to try.

बात करने में कुछ नहीं जाता ।
Nothing goes to talk.

अंत भला तो सब भला ।
All is well that's ends well.

तुमने बहुत बढिया काम किया है ।
You have done a great job.

उसने एक शब्द तक नहीं बोला ।
He didn't speak even a word.

कोई जरूरत नहीं है ।
There is no need.

कोई जरूरत नहीं है उसे बुलाने की ।
There is no need to call him.

कोई जरूरत नहीं है वहां जाने की ।
There is no need to go there.

कोई जरूरत नहीं है उससे बात करने की ।
There is no need to talk to him.

तुम्हें मिर्ची लग रही है क्या
तुम्हें जलन हो रही है क्या ?
Are you getting jaleous ?

तुम्हें जलन क्यों हो रही है ?/
तुम्हें मिर्ची क्यों लग रही है ?
Why are you getting jealous ?

उसे हर बात पर मिर्ची लगती है ।
He gets jealous on every matter.

क्या जरूरत थी/
जरूरत क्या थी ?
What was the need ?

क्या जरूरत थी बोलने की ?
What was the need to speak ?

क्या जरूरत थी वहां जाने की ?
What was the need to go there ?

क्या जरूरत थी उसे बताने की ?
What was the need to tell him ?

क्या जरूरत थी उसे फोन करने की ?
What was the need to call him up ?

क्या जरूरत है/
जरूरत क्या है ?
What is the need ?

क्या जरूरत है वहां जाने की ?
What is the need to go there ?

क्या जरूरत है उसे बताने की ?
What is the need to tell him  ?

क्या जरूरत है उसे फोन करने की ?
What is the need to call him up ?

क्या जरूरत है सबको बुलाने की ?
What is the need to call everyone ?

मुझे क्यों जलन होगी ?/
मुझे क्यों मिर्ची लगेगी ?
Why will I get jealous ?

पता नहीं तुम्हें क्यों जलन हो रही है ।
पता नहीं तुम्हें क्यों मिर्ची लग रही है ।
I don't know why you are getting jealous.

लगता है तुम्हें कुछ ज्यादा ही मिर्ची लग रही है ।
It seems that you are getting jealous a lot.

फिर कभी चलेंगे ।
We will go some other time.

फिर कभी आऊँगा मै ।
I will come some other time.

फिर कभी मिलेंगे । आज टाईम नहीं है मेरे पास ।
We will meet some other time. I don't have time today.

फिर कभी बता देना उसे ।
Tell him some other time.

फिर कभी देख लेना ।
See/watch some other time.

मै तुम्हें फिर कभी बताऊंगा ।
I will tell you some other time.

क्या तुम फिर कभी आ सकते हो ?
Can you come some other time ?

तुम फिर कभी आना ।
You come some other time.

मै फिर कभी देखूंगा ।
I will watch some other time.

हम फिर कभी मिलेंगे ।
We will meet some other time.

हम इस बारे मे फिर कभी बात करेंगे ।
We will talk about this some other time.

वैसे भी मै नहीं जा रहा ।
Anyway I am not going.
By the way also I am not going.

वैसे भी इसकी कोई जरूरत नहीं है ।
Anyway it's not required.
By the way also it's not required.

वैसे भी वो झूठ बोल रहा था ।
Anyway he was telling a lie.
By the way also he was telling a lie.

वैसे भी मेरा मन नहीं था इसे खरीदने का ।
Anyway I was in no mood to buy this.
By the way also I was in no mood to buy this.

वैसे भी तुम बहुत बोलते हो ।
Anyway you speak a lot.
By the way also you speak a lot.

वैसे भी मुझे आना पड़ेगा ।
Anyway I will have to come.
By the way also I will have to come.

वैसे भी उसने कुछ नहीं कहा ।
Anyway he didn't say anything.
By the way also he didn't say anything.

वैसे भी मै आने की सोच रहा था ।
Anyway I was thinking to come.
By the way also I was thinking to come.

तुम मेरे लिए कुछ ना ही करो तो अच्छा है ।
It is good if you do nothing for me.

तुम उसके बारे मे बात ना ही करो तो अच्छा है ।
It is good if you don't talk about him.

तुम मुझसे बहस ना ही करो तो अच्छा है ।
It is good if you don't argue with me.

हिम्मत मत हारो ।
Don't lose courage.

तुम हिम्मत मत हारना ।
You don't lose your courage.

मै हिम्मत हारने वाला नहीं हूँ ।
I am not going to lose courage.

तुम तो अभी से हिम्मत हार गये ।
You have already lose your courage.

मै हिम्मत हारने वालो मे से नहीं हूँ ।
I am not one of those who lose courage.

ना वो आया ना मै गया ।
Neither he came, nor I went.

ना उसने कुछ कहा ना मैने कुछ कहा ।
Neither he said anything nor I said anything.

ना उसने कुछ बोला ना मैने कुछ बोला ।
Neither he spoke anything nor I spoke anything.

मै मजाक के मूड मे नहीं हूँ ।
I am in no mood for joke.

मै मजाक करने के मूड मे नहीं हूँ ।
I am in no mood to joke.

मै तुमसे बहस करने के मूड मूड मे नहीं हूँ ।
I am in no mood to argue with you.

लगता है आज तुम लड़ने के मूड मे हो ?
It seems that you are in mood to fight today ?

लगता है कि तुम आज पिटने के मूड में हो ।
It seems that you are in mood to be beaten today.

कोई और काम नहीं है क्या तुम्हें ?
Don't you have other work.

बस बहुत हुआ अब चुप हो जाओ ।
Enough is enough keep quiet now.

बस बहुत हुआ अब मुझे मेरे पैसे दो ।
Enough is enough give me my money now.

जब देखो तुम बहाने बनाती रहती हो ।
Whenever it is seen you keep making excuses.

मै वहीं तो जा रहा हूँ ।
That's where I am going.

मै यही तो सोच रहा हूँ ।
That's what I am thinking.

मै यही तो बोल रहा हूँ ।
That's what I am speaking.

मै तुम्हें यही तो बता रहा हूँ ।
That's what I am telling you.

मै तुम्हें यही तो समझा रहा हूँ ।
That's what I am making you understand.

मै तुम्हें यही तो समझाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ ।
That's what I am trying to make you understand.

इसी बहाने वो कमरे में घुस गया ।
On this pretext he entered the room.

इसी बहाने हम भी चाय पी लेंगे ।
On this pretext we will also have tea.

इसी बहाने मै तुमसे मिल भी लूँगा ।
On this pretext I will meet you as well.

इसी बहाने हम तुम्हारा घर भी देख लेंगें ।
On this pretext we will see your home as well.

इसी बहाने हम एक दूसरे को जान लेंगे ।
On this pretext we will get to know each other.

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