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पहले मुझे करने दो ।
Let me do first.

पहले मुझे देखने दो ।
Let me see first.

पहले मुझे सोंचने दो ।
Let me think first.

पहले उसे आने दो ।
Let him come first.

पहले मुझे बोलने दो ।
Let me speak first.

समझो हो गया ।
Consider it done.

और मै क्या करता 
What else could i do

और मै क्या कहता 
What else could I say

और मै कहाँ जाता 
Where else could I go

और मै क्या पहनता
What else could I wear

तुम तो बिल्कुल झूठे हो ।
You are utterly liar.

तुम तो बिल्कुल पागल हो ।
You are utterly mad.

वह तो बिल्कुल भोला है ।
He is utterly innocent.

तुम तो बिल्कुल गधे हो ।
You are utterly donkey.

तुम तो बिल्कुल बेवकूफ हो ।
You are utterly stupid/silly.

उसे जाना है तो जाये ।
If he wants to go, he can.

तुम्हें जाना है तो जाओ ।
If you want to go, you can.

तुम्हें बैठना है तो बैठो ।
If you want to sit, you can.

तुम्हें करना है तो करो ।
If you want to do, you can.

तुम्हें आना है तो आओ ।
If you want to come, you can.

तुम्हें जो करना है करो ।
Do what you want to do.

तुम्हें जो खाना है खाओ ।
Eat what you want to eat.

तुम्हें जो कहना है कहो ।
Say what you want to say.

तुम्हें जो सोचना है सोचो ।
Think what you want to think.

तुम्हें जो बोलना है बोलो ।
Speak what you want to speak.

वो बहुत तेज चलता है ।
He walks very fast.

वो मेरे आगे खड़ा हो गया ।
He stood infront of me.

क्या आप जरा खड़े हो जाएंगे ?
Would you please stand up ?

मै थोड़ी देर मे call करता हूँ ।
I call you in a while.

मै थोड़ी देर में आ जाऊँगा ।
I will come in a while.

अभी के अभी यहाँ आ जाओ ।
Come here right now.

अभी के अभी यहाँ से दफा हो जाओ ।
Get lost from here right now.

अगर मुझे पता होता तो मै तुम्हें बताता ।
If I knew I would tell you.

सोच समझ कर बोलो ।
Speak thoughtfully.

चाय बहुत ज्यादा गर्म है ।
The tea is very hot.
The tea is piping hot.

कॉफी बहुत ज्यादा गर्म है ।
The coffee is very hot.
The coffee is piping hot.

सोच समझ कर जवाब दो मुझे 
Answer me thoughtfully

आखिर तुम गए कहाँ थे ?
After all where did you go ?

आखिर तुमने मुझे बताया क्यों नहीं ?
After all why didn't you tell me ?

आखिर तुम कहना क्या चाहते हो ?
After all what do you want to say ?

आप ऐसा क्यों सोचते हैं ?
Why do you think so ?

तुम जल्दी में क्यों हो ?
Why are you in a hurry ?

तुम यह क्यों पूछ रहे हो ?/
आप यह क्यों पूछ रहे हैं ?
Why are you asking this ?

तुम हमेशा चिल्लाते क्यों हो ?
Why are you always shouting ?

मेरे रास्ते से हट जाओ ।
Get out of my way.
Move out of my way.

तुम क्यों चिंतित हो ?
Why are you worried ?

तुम यहाँ क्यों आए हो ?
Why have you come here ?

तुम इतने उदास क्यों दिख रहे हो ?
Why are you looking so sad ?

मै बता नहीं सकता ये कितना बेहतरीन है ।
I can't express how amazing it is.
I can't describe how amazing it is.

आप इस उम्र मे भी इतने energetic कैसे हो ?
How are you so energetic at this age ?

ये ही तो वो चाहता था ।
This is what he wanted.

ये ही तो मै सोच रहा था ।
This is what I was thinking.

ये ही तो मै बोल रहा था ।
This is what I was speaking.

ये ही तो मै सुनना चाहता था ।
This is what i wanted to listen.

ये ही तो मै बोलना चाहता था ।
This is what I wanted to speak.

ये ही तो मै तुम्हें बताने की कोशिश कर रहा था ।
This is what I was trying to tell you.

ये ही तो मै कर रहा था ।
This is what I was doing.

ये ही तो मै बता रहा था ।
This is what I was telling.

ये ही तो वो कह रही थी ।
This is what she is saying.

ये ही तो मै बताना चाहता था ।
This is what I wanted to tell.

ये ही तो मै बोलने की कोशिश कर रहा था ।
This is what I was trying to speak.

ये ही तो मै पता लगाने की कोशिश कर रहा था ।
This is what I am trying to find out.

घुमा फिरा कर बात मत करो ।
Don't beat around the bush.

तुम हमेशा घुमा फिरा कर बात करते हो ।
You always beat around the bush.

घुमा फिरा कर बात क्यों कर रहे हो ?
Why are you beating around the bush ?

मुझे घुमा फिरा कर बात करने वाले लोग पसंद नहीं है ।
I don't like people who beat around the bush.

मुझे तुम्हारी कोई हमदर्दी नहीं चाहिए ।
I don't want your sympathy.

ज्यादा हमदर्दी मत दिखाओ ।
Don't express so much sympathy.

मुझे उसकी हमदर्दी की कोई जरूरत नहीं है ।
I don't need his sympathy.

मुझसे हमदर्दी की उम्मीद मत रखना ।
Don't expect sympathy from me.

हर बात को हँस कर मत टालो ।
Don't put off everything by laughing.

तुम्हें तो समझाना ही बेकार है ।
It is useless to make you understand.

उसे तो समझाना ही बेकार है ।
It is useless to make him understand.

तुम हर बात को हँस कर क्यों टाल देते हो ?
Why do you put off everything by laughing

ना तो खुद करते हो ना करने देते हो ।
ना तो तुम खुद करते हो ना मुझे करने देते हो ।
Neither you do yourself nor let me.
Neither you do yourself nor let me do.

ना तो खुद जाते हो ना जाने देते हो ।
ना तो तुम खुद जाते हो ना मुझे जाने देते हो ।
Neither you go yourself nor let me.
Neither you go yourself nor let me go.

ना तो मै खुद खाऊँगा ना तुम्हें खानें दूंगा ।
Neither I will eat myself nor let you.
Neither I will eat myself nor let you eat.

ना तो खुद सोते हो ना सोने देते हो ।
ना तो तुम खुद सोते हो ना मुझे सोने देते हो ।
Neither you speak yourself nor let me.
Neither you sleep yourself nor let me sleep.

ना तो खुद बोलते हो ना बोलने देते हो ।
ना तो तुम खुद बोलते हो ना मुझे बोलने देते हो ।
Neither you speak yourself nor let me.
Neither you speak yourself nor let me speak.

जानकर भी अनजान मत बनो ।
Don't be ignorant even knowing./
Don't become ignorant even knowing.

जानकर भी अनजान क्यों बन रहे हो ?
Why are you being ignorant even knowing ?/
Why are you becoming ignorant even knowing ?

वो सबकुछ जानकर भी अनजान बन रहा था ।
He was being ignorant even knowing everything./
He was becoming ignorant even knowing everything.

सबकुछ जानकर भी अनजान मत बनो ।
Don't be ignorant even knowing everything./
Don't become ignorant even knowing everything.

सबकुछ जानकर भी अनजान क्यों बन रहे हो ।
Why are you being ignorant even knowing everything./
Why are you becoming ignorant even knowing everything.

क्या हुआ चिल्ला क्यों रहे हो ?
What happened why are you screaming ?

क्या हुआ बड़े परेशान लग रहे हो ?
What happened you are looking very upset ?

क्या हुआ आज तुम काम पर नहीं गए ?
What happened you didn't go to work today ?

क्या हुआ तुम कुछ बोल क्यों नहीं रहे ?
What happened, Why  are  you  not  speaking anything ?

बकवास मत करो ।।।    Don't talk nonsense.

बकवास करना बंद करो ।     Stop talking nonsense.

बकवास पसंद नहीं है मुझे ।     I don't like nonsense.

बकवास क्यो कर रहे हो ???     Why are you talking nonsense ?

क्या बकवास कर रहे हो तुम ?  What nonsense are you talking ?

तुम सुबह से बकवास कर रहे हो? You have been talking nonsense since morning ?

मेरे सामने बकवास करने की कोई जरूरत नहीं है There is no need to talk nonsense infrond of me.

बकवास करने की कोई जरूरत नहीं है There is no need to talk nonsense.

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I hope कि ये पोस्ट आपको  helpful  लगा होगा । यदि यह पोस्ट आपको  helpful  लगा हो,  तो पोस्ट को अपने friends  और Other students को  share  अवश्य करें।।। जिससे कि वो सब भी इस पोस्ट को पढकर Daily Use Sentences सीख सकें ।