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वो शरमा गया ।
He blushed.
वह शरमा गई ।
She blushed.
तुम शरमाते बहुत हो ।
You blush a lot.
मुझसे शरमाओ मत ।
Don't blush of me.
तुम इतना क्यों शरमाते हो ?
Why do you blush so much ?
तुम मुझसे शरमा क्यों रहे हो ?
Why are you blushing of me ?
मुझे बहुत बुरा लगा ।
I felt so bad.
तुम्हें बहुत बुरा लगेगा ।
You will feel so bad.
मुझे क्यों बुरा लगेगा ?
Why will I feel bad ?
उसे क्यों बुरा लगा ?
Why did he feel bad ?
तुम्हें क्यों बुरा लगा ?
Why did you feel bad ?
दिन मे सपने मत देखो ।
Don't daydreaming.
वो दिन में सपने देख रहा है ।
He is daydreaming.
तुम दिन में सपने देख रहे हो ।
You are daydreaming.
दिन में सपने देखना बंद करो ।
Stop daydreaming.
दिन मे सपने देख रहे हो क्या ?
Are you daydreaming ?
मुझे पता है ये जायज है ।
I know this is justified.
तुम्हारा गुस्सा जायज है ।
Your anger is justified.
देखो, ये जायज नहीं है ।
See, this is not justified.
जो जायज है वो बोलो ।
Speak which is justified.
तुम्हारा गुस्सा जायज था ।
Your anger was justified.
उसका गुस्सा जायज था ।
His anger was justified.
मुझे नहीं लगता ये जायज है ।
I don't think this is justified.
मुझे नींद आ रही है।
I am feeling sleepy.
मेरा पेट खराब है।
My stomach is upset.
यह बक्सा बड़ा भारी है।
This box is very heavy.
मुझसे बुरा कोई नहीं होगा ।
No one will be worse than me.
वह रोते रोते आया ।
He came while weeping.
वो देखता का देखता रह गया ।
He kept watching.
वे लोग देखते के देखते रह गए ।
They kept watching.
मै खाना खा कर आऊँगा ।
I will come after eating the food.
मेरा दाहिना आँख फड़क रहा है ।
My right eye is twitching.
मेरा बायां आँख फड़क रहा है ।
My left eye is twitching.
तुम्हारा दिमाग खराब हो गया है क्या ?
Have you lost your mind ?
मेरा कुछ भी खाने पीने का मन नहीं कर रहा है ।
I don't feel like having anything.
सब्र रखो ।/सब्र करो ।
Have patience.
थोड़ा सब्र रखो/थोड़ा सब्र करो
Have some patience.
कभी तो सब्र रखा करो ।
Do ever have patience.
तुम सब्र नहीं रख सकते क्या ?
Can't you have patience ?
तुम्हें सब्र रखना चाहिए ।
You should have patience.
तुम्हें सब्र रखना चाहिए था ।
You should have had patience.
हद पार मत करो ।
Don't cross the line.
Don't cross the limit.
अपनी हद पार मत करो ।
Don't cross your limit.
तुम अपनी हद पार कर रहे हो ।
You are crossing your limit.
तुमने तो हद पार कर दी ।
You have crossed your limit.
तुम्हें अपनी हद पार नहीं करनी चाहिए थी ।
You shouldn't have crossed your limit.
ये तुम्हारे बस का नहीं है ।
ये तुम्हारे बस की बात नहीं है
It's not your cup of tea.
ये उसके बस का नहीं है ।
ये उसके बस की बात नहीं है
It's not his cup of tea.
ये केवल मेरे बस का है ।
It's only my cup of tea.
मेरे बस का नहीं है सुबह 4 बजे उठना ।
Getting up at 4 o' clock is not my cup of tea.
तुम मुझसे दूर रहो ।
You stay away from me.
वो तुमसे दूर नहीं रह सकता ।
He can't stay away from you.
तुम उससे दूर रहो ।
You stay away from him/her.
तुम्हें उससे दूर रहना चाहिए था ।
You should have stayed away from him.
पत्थर दिल मत बनो ।
Don't be hard hearted.
तुम बड़े पत्थर दिल इंसान हो ।
You are very hard hearted person.
वो बहुत पत्थर दिल इंसान था ।
He was very hard hearted person.
तुम इतने पत्थर दिल कैसे बन गए ?
How did you become so hard hearted ?
देखो, मना मत करना ।
See, don't refuse.
तुमने मना क्यों किया ?
Why did you refuse ?
तुम हर बार मना कर देते हो ।
You refuse everytime.
Every time you refuse.
अब मना क्यों कर रहे हो ?
Now Why are you refusing ?
मना करने के बाद भी तुम वहाँ क्यों जा रहे हो ?
Why are you going there even after refusing ?
मुझे इसकी आदत नहीं है ।
I am not used to it.
मुझे जल्दी सोने की आदत नहीं है ।
I am not used to sleeping early.
ऐसा करने से तुमको क्या मिलेगा ?
What will you get by doing so/this ?
ऐसा करने से उसको क्या मिलेगा ?
What will he get by doing so/this ?
ऐसा करने से क्या होगा ?
What will happen by doing so/this ?
ये क्या तुम्हारे बाप का माल है ?
Is it your father's property ?
ये क्या तुम्हारे बाप का घर है ?
Is it your father's property ?
ये तुम्हारे बाप का माल नहीं है ।
It's not your father's property.
इसे अपने बाप का माल मत समझो ।
Don't consider it your father's property.
अब मै सही सलामत हूँ ।
Now I am safe and sound.
I am safe and sound now.
हम सही सलामत पहुंच गये ।
We arrived safe and sound.
आशा करता हूँ तुम सही सलामत हो ।
I hope you are safe and sound.
मै तुम्हें सही सलामत देखकर खुश हूँ ।
I am glad to see you safe and sound.
खैर, सबकुछ सही सलामत है ।
Anyway, everything is safe and sound.
सभी चमकने वाली चीजें सोना नहीं होती ।
All that glitters is not gold.
दोस्त वही है जो समय पर काम आए ।
A friend in need ia a friend indeed.
कम ज्ञान खतरनाक होता है ।
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
तुम हँसते हँसते पागल हो जाओगे ।
You will go crazy while laughing.
वह हँसते हँसते रोने लगी ।
She started crying while laughing.
मेरा तो हँसते हँसते पेट दुखने लगा ।
My stomach started hurting while laughing.
गलतफहमी में मत रहो ।
Don't be in misconception.
इस गलतफहमी में मत रहो ।
इस गलतफहमी मे मत रहना ।
Don't be in this misconception.
तुम गलतफहमी में जी रहे हो ।
You are living in misconception.
मै गलतफहमी में नहीं जी रहा हूँ ।
I am not living in misconception.
किस गलतफहमी में जी रहे हो तुम ?
Which misconception are you living in ?
तुम अभी भी इस गलतफहमी में जी रहे हो ?
Are you still living in this misconception ?
मुझे तुमसे कोई शिकायत नहीं है ।
I have no complaints with you.
I don't have any complaints with you.
मुझे उससे कोई शिकायत नहीं है ।
I have no complaints with him.
I don't have any complaints with him.
मुझे जिंदगी से कोई शिकायत नहीं है ।
I have no complaints with life.
I don't have any complaints with life.
मुझे किसी से कोई शिकायत नहीं है ।
I have no complaints with anyone.
I don't have any complaints with anyone.
क्या तुम्हें अब भी मुझसे कोई शिकायत है ?
Do you still have any complaints with me ?
वह हद से ज्यादा बिगड़ गई है ।
She has spoiled more than enough.
अब तुम हद से ज्यादा बोल रहे हो ।
Now you are speaking more than enough.
तुम हद से ज्यादा बोलने लगे हो ।
You have started speaking more than enough.
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