Welcome :: Daily Use English Sentences Series का यह 55 वाँ. पोस्ट है और इस पोस्ट मे भी 100+Daily Use English Speaking Sentences दिए गए हैं ।। उनके हिंदी मीनिंग के साथ । ये सभी Sentences बहुत ही Common है जो रोजाना Daily life मे उपयोग किये जाते हैं ।
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मजे करो ।
Enjoy yourself.
यह कितने का है ।
How much is it ?
यें कितने के हैं ।
How much are these ?
क्या आप उसे दोहरायेंगे ?
Could you please repeat that ?
वास्तव में समय लगता है ।
It really take time.
मुसीबत खड़ी मत करो ।
Don't cause trouble.
यह कब बंद होता है ।
When does it close ?
मुझे गलत मत समझो ।
Don't get me wrong.
हो सकता है वो सो गया हो ।
May be he has slept.
हो सकता है वो चला गया हो ।
May be he has gone.
हो सकता है उसे पता चल गया हो ।
May be he has come to know.
हो सकता है वो दोनो पहुंच गये हो ।
May be they both have reached.
हो सकता है उसे कोई और मिल गया हो ।
May be she has got someone else.
अभी भी टाइम है, आ जाओ ।
There is still time, come.
अभी भी टाइम है, रोक लो उसे ।
There is still time, stop him.
अभी भी टाइम है, मान जाओ मेरी बात ।
There is still time, obey me.
अभी भी टाइम है, खा लो कुछ ।
There is still time, eat something.
अभी भी टाइम है, भर दो फॉर्म ।
There is still time, fill the form.
अभी भी टाइम है, कुछ कर लो ।
There is still time, do something.
अभी भी टाइम है, सच बता दो मुझे ।
There is still time, tell me the truth.
अभी भी टाइम है, सुधर जाओ ।
There is still time, mend your ways.
अभी भी टाइम है, जो बोलना है बोल दो ।
There is still time, speak whatever you have to.
इतराओ मत ।
Don't flaunt.
तुम हमेशा इतराते हो ।
You always flaunt.
ज्यादा इतराओ मत ।
Don't flaunt too much.
इतरा क्यों रहे हो ?
Why are you flaunting ?
बहुत इतरा रहे हो तुम ।
You are flaunting too much.
बहुत इतराने लगे हो तुम ।
You have started flaunting a lot.
कल तो तुम बहुत इतरा रहे थे ।
You were flaunting too much yesterday.
इतराना बंद करो ।
Stop flaunting.
मै कभी नहीं इतराता ।
I never flaunt.
वो हर बात पर इतराती है ।
She flaunts on every matter.
इतराना तो कोई तुमसे सीखें ।
One should learn flaunting from you.
मेरे सामने इतराने की जरूरत नहीं है समझे ।
There is no need to flaunt infront of me, understood.
देखोगें तो नहीं ना ?
You will not see, will you ?
मना तो नहीं करोगे ना ?
You will not deny, will you ?
किसीको बताओगे तो नहीं ना ?
You will not tell anyone, will you ?
कुछ बोलोगे तो नहीं ना ?
You will not speak anything, will you ?
ये टूटेगा तो नहीं ना ?
It will not break, will it ?
गड़बड़ तो नहीं करोगे ना ?
You will not mess up, will you ?
वो पैसे तो नहीं मांगेगा ना ?
He will not ask for money, will he ?
मुझे अकेला छोड़कर तो नहीं जाओगे ना ?
You will not leave me alone, will you ?
रोओगे तो नहीं ना ?
You will not cry, will you ?
दोबारा तो नहीं पूछोगे ना ?
You will not ask again, will you ?
मुझे अकेले तो नहीं जाना पड़ेगा ना ?
I will not have to go alone, will I ?
परेशान तो नहीं करोगे ना ?
You will not bother me, will you ?
उसने देखा तो नहीं ना ?
He did not see, did he ?
उसने मना तो नहीं किया ना ?
He did not deny, did he ?
मैने तुम्हें परेशान तो नहीं किया ना ?
I did not bother you, did I ?
उसने गड़़बर तो नहीं की ना ?
He did not mess up, did he ?
तुमने किसी को बताया तो नहीं ना ?
You did not tell anyone, did you ?
उसने कुछ बोला तो नहीं ना ?
He did not speak anything, did he ?
वो मना तो नहीं कर रहा ना ?
He is not denying, is he ?
मै तुम्हें परेशान तो नहीं कर रहा ना ?
I am not bothering you, am i ?
वो पैसे तो नहीं मांग रहा ना ?
He is not asking for money, is he ?
वो कुछ कह तो नहीं रही ना ?
She is not saying anything, is she ?
बच्चे रो तो नहीं रहे ना ?
Children are not crying, are children ?
वो मना तो नहीं कर रहा था ना ?
He was not denying, was he ?
वो तुम्हें परेशान तो नहीं कर रहा था ना ?
He was not bothering you, was he ?
वो कुछ कहता तो नहीं है ना ?
He does not say anything, does he ?
पापा कुछ कह तो नहीं रहे थे ना ?
Father was not saying anything, was father ?
काश हम ना मिले होते ।
I wish we would not have met.
काश वो ना आया होता ।
I wish he would not have come.
काश मैने तुम्हें नहीं बताया होता ।
I wish I would not have told you.
काश मैने उसे बता दिया होता ।
I wish I would have told him/her.
काश मै वहाँ ना गया होता ।
I wish i would not have gone there.
बिल्कुल नहीं ।
Absolutely not.
सुनकर अच्छा लगा ।
Glad to hear that.
यह आप पर निर्भर करता है ।
It's up to you.
आप मेरा समय बर्बाद कर रहे हैं ।
You are wasting my time.
मुझे उससे घंटा फर्क नहीं पड़ता ।
I don't give a damn about him.
आपको टोकने के लिए माफी चाहता हूँ लेकिन.....
I am sorry to interrupt you, but.......
धत् तेरी की ! मै अपना फोन तो घर पर ही भूल गया ।
Samne it ! i forgot my phone at home.
काश मै वहाँ चला गया होता ।
I wish I would have gone there.
काश मै वहाँ रूक गया होता ।
I wish I would have stayed there.
काश तुमने मेहनत कर ली होती ।
I wish you would have worked hard.
काश तुमने मुझसे बोल दिया होता ।
I wish you would have spoken to me.
काश हम उससे पहले ही मिल लिये होते ।
I wish we would have met him beforehand.
कुछ भी कहो ।
जो भी कहो ।
Whatever you say.
कुछ भी कहो, तुम हो बहुत तेज ।
Whatever you say, you are very clever.
कुछ भी कहो, उसने कभी मना नहीं किया ।
Whatever you say, he never denied/refused.
कुछ भी कहो, उसने मेहनत बहुत की है ।
Whatever you say, he has worked hard a lot.
Whatever you say, he has done hard work a lot.
कुछ भी कहो, Enjoy बहुत किया हमने ।
Whatever you say, we enjoyed a lot.
कुछ भी कहो, वो प्यार बहुत करती है मुझसे ।
Whatever you say, she loves me a lot.
कुछ भी कहो, वो कभी झूठ नहीं बोलती ।
Whatever you say, she never tells a lie.
कुछ भी कहो, वो है बहुत सुंदर ।
Whatever you say, she is very beautiful.
कुछ भी कहो, वो था बहुत सीधा ।
Whatever you say, he was very innocent.
कुछ भी कहो, वो बहुत अच्छा इंसान है ।
Whatever you say, he is very good person.
पूछो क्या पूछना है। Ask what you want to.
पूछो जो पूछना है । Ask what you want to.
कहो क्या कहना है। Say what you want to.
कहो जो कहना है । Say what you want to.
बताओ क्या बताना है। Tell what you want to.
बताओ जो बताना है । Tell what you want to.
बोलो क्या बोलना है। Speak what you want to.
बोलो जो बोलना है । Speak what you want to.
लेलो क्या लेना है। Take what you want to.
लेलो जो लेना है । Take what you want to.
देख लो क्या देखना है। See what you want to.
देख लो जो देखना है । See what you want to.
खरीद लो क्या खरीदना है। Buy what you want to.
खरीद लो जो खरीदना है । Buy what you want to.
पूछो क्या पूछना था। Ask what you wanted to.
पूछो जो पूछना था । Ask what you wanted to.
कहो क्या कहना था। Say what you wanted to.
कहो जो कहना था । Say what you wanted to.
बताओ क्या बताना था। Tell what you wanted to.
बताओ जो बताना था । Tell what you wanted to.
बोलो क्या बोलना था। Speak what you wanted to.
बोलो जो बोलना था । Speak what you wanted to.
लेलो क्या लेना है। Take what you wanted to.
लेलो जो लेना है । Take what you wanted to.
देख लो क्या देखना है। See what you wanted to.
देख लो जो देखना है । See what you wanted to.
खरीद लो क्या खरीदना है। Buy what you wanted to.
खरीद लो जो खरीदना है । Buy what you wanted to.
अब पूछो क्या पूछना है। Now Ask what you want to.
अब पूछो जो पूछना है । Now Ask what you want to.
अब कहो क्या कहना है। Now Say what you want to.
अब कहो जो कहना है । Now Say what you want to.
अब बताओ क्या बताना है। Now Tell what you want to.
अब बताओ जो बताना है । Not Tell what you want to.
अब बोलो क्या बोलना है। Now Speak what you want to.
अब बोलो जो बोलना है । Now Speak what you want to.
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I hope कि ये पोस्ट आपको helpful लगा होगा । यदि यह पोस्ट आपको helpful लगा हो, तो पोस्ट को अपने friends और Other students को share अवश्य करें।।। जिससे कि वो सब भी इस पोस्ट को पढकर Daily Use Sentences सीख सकें ।
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