Welcome :: Daily Use English Sentences Series का यह 54 वाँ. पोस्ट है और इस पोस्ट मे भी 100+Daily Use English Speaking Sentences दिए गए हैं ।। उनके हिंदी मीनिंग के साथ । ये सभी Sentences बहुत ही Common है जो रोजाना Daily life मे उपयोग किये जाते हैं ।
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और कैसे करूँ तो फिर ?
How else to do then ?
How else do i do then ?
How else shall i do then ?
How else should i do then ?
और क्या खाऊँ तो फिर ?
What else to eat then ?
What else do i eat then ?
What else shall i eat then ?
What else should i eat then ?
और क्या बताऊँ तो फिर ?
What else to tell then ?
What else do i tell then ?
What else shall i tell then ?
What else should i tell then ?
और क्या करूँ तो फिर ?
What else to do then ?
What else do i do then ?
What else shall i do then ?
What else should i do then ?
और कहाँ जाऊँ तो फिर ?
Where else to go then ?
Where else do i go then ?
Where else shall i go then ?
Where else should i go then ?
और किससे कहूँ तो फिर ?
Whom else to say then ?
Whom else do i say then ?
Whom else shall i say then ?
Whom else should i say then ?
और क्या सोचूँ तो फिर ?
What else to think then ?
What else do i think then ?
What else shall i think then ?
What else should i think then ?
और क्या बोलूँ तो फिर ?
What else to speak then ?
What else do i speak then ?
What else shall i speak then ?
What else should i speak then ?
और किसके साथजाऊँ तो फिर ?
Whom else to go with then ?
What else do i go with then ?
What else shall i go with then ?
What else should i go with then ?
और क्या करता तो फिर ?
What else could I do then ?
और कहाँ जाता तो फिर ?
Where else could I go then ?
और किससे कहता तो फिर ?
Whom else could I say then ?
और क्या बोलता तो फिर ?
What else could I speak then ?
और किसके साथ जाता तो फिर ?
Whom else could I go with then ?
साफ साफ बताओ मुझे ।
Tell me clearly.
इस बार उससे साफ साफ पूछ लेना ।
This time ask him clearly.
साफ साफ नहीं बोल सकते क्या तुम ?
Can't you speak clearly ?
साफ साफ बोलो जो भी बोलना है ।
Speak clearly whatever you have to.
मैने उसे बिल्कुल साफ साफ कह दिया ।
I said to him very clearly.
उसने सबकुछ बिल्कुल साफ साफ बता दिया ।
He told everything very clearly.
आप सबकुछ बिल्कुल साफ साफ पढातें हैं ।
You teach everything very clearly.
मैनें तो साफ साफ कह दिया कि मै नहीं जाऊँगा ।
I said clearly that i would not go.
अबतक तो तुम जा चुके होते ।
अबतक तो तुम चले गये होते ।
You would have gone by now.
अबतक तो मै तैयार हो चुका होता ।
I would have got ready by now.
अबतक तो हम पहुंच चुके होते ।
अबतक तो हम पहुंच गये होते ।
We would have reached by now.
अबतक तो मै सारा काम कर चुका होता ।
अबतक तो मै सारा काम कर लिया होता ।
I would have done all the work by now.
अबतक तो मै उसको एक चाँटा लगा चुका होता ।
I would have slapped him by now.
मेरी बात करवा देना उससे ।
Make me talk to him.
उसकी बात करवा देना मुझसे ।
Make him talk to me.
मै तुम्हारी बात करवा दूंगा उससे ।
I will make you talk to him.
मै उसकी बात करवा दूंगा तुमसे ।
I will make him talk to him.
क्या तुम उससे मेरी बात करवा सकते हो ?
Can you make me talk to him ?
तुम्हें मुझसे बात करवा देनी चाहिए थी उसकी ।
You should have made him talk to me.
वो चाहता है कि मै उसकी बात करवा दूं तुमसे ।
He wants that I make him talk to you.
वो खाती बहुत है । She eats a lot.
वो हँसती बहुत है । She laughs a lot.
वो रोता बहुत था । He used to cry a lot.
वो हँसता बहुत था । He used to laugh a lot.
वो बोलती बहुत थी । She used to speak a lot.
वो नखरे बहुत दिखाती थी । She used to throw tantrums a lot.
तुम रोते बहुत हो । You cry a lot.
तुम बोलते बहुत हो । You speak a lot.
तुम इतराते बहुत हो । You flaunt a lot.
तुम बहस बहुत करते हो । You argue a lot.
तुम झूठ बहुत बोलते हो । You tell a lie a lot.
लड़के भाव बहुत खाते हैं । Boys act pricey a lot.
लड़कियां भाव बहुत खाती है । Girls act pricey a lot.
ये बच्चें चिल्लाते बहुत हैं These children shout a lot
तुम सोचते बहुत हो, जल्दी करो । You think a lot, Do fast.
ऐसे थोड़ी ना करना था ।
That was not the way to do.
ऐसे थोड़ी ना लगाना था ।
That was not the way to put.
ऐसे थोड़ी ना करते हैं ।
This is not the way to do.
ऐसे थोड़ी ना कहते हैं ।
This is not the way to say.
ऐसे थोड़ी ना खाते हैं ।
This is not the way to eat.
ऐसे थोड़ी ना खाते हैं इसे ।
This is not the way to eat this.
ऐसे थोड़ी ना बोलते हैं किसी से, वो तुमसे बड़ा है ।
This is not the way to talk to anyone, he is older than you.
हिसाब रखा करो । Keep a track.
ज्यादा भोली मत बनो ! Don't act so cute !
तुम बहुत बदल गए हो । You have changed a lot.
सब कितना फीका फीका है । Everything is so dull.
मेरे पास और कोई चारा/रास्ता नहीं था । I had no other choice/option.
समय देखो । Look at the time.
मुर्गा बनो । Crouch like a chicken.
पैर मत घसीटो । Don't drag your feet.
तुम बहुत चाय पीते हो । You drink a lot of tea.
जल्दबाजी करने की कोई जरूरत नहीं है, हमारे पास बहुत समय है । There is no need to hurry, we have got plenty of time.
मुझे आना तो नहीं पड़ेगा ना ?
I will not have to come, will I ?
मुझे पैसे तो नहीं देने पड़ेगे ना ?
I will not have to give money, will I ?
कुछ करना तो नहीं पड़ेगा ना ?
मुझे कुछ करना तो नहीं पड़ेगा ना ?
I will not have to do anything, will I ?
मुझे दोबारा तो नहीं आना पड़ेगा ना ?
I will not have to come again, will I ?
हमें उसको बुलाना तो नहीं पड़ेगा ना ?
We will not have to invite him, will we ?
मुझे और कुछ तो नहीं लाना पड़ेगा ना ?
I will not have to bring anything else, will I ?
मुझे उसको बुलाना पड़ेगा ना ?
I will have to invite him, won't I ?
हमे दोबारा आना पड़ेगा ना ?
We will have to come again, won't we ?
कोई बात नहीं बेटा ।
No issue beta.
No problem beta.
कोई बात नहीं, ठीक है ।
No issue, it's okay.
No problem, it's okay.
कोई बात नहीं, जाने दो उसे ।
No issue, let him/her go.
No problem, let him/her go.
कोई बात नहीं, मै खुद कर लूंगा ।
No issue, I will do myself./
No problem, I will do myself.
कोई बात नहीं, फिर कभी चलेंगे ।
No issue, we will go some other time./
No problem, we will go some other time.
कोई बात नहीं, पैसे बाद मे दे देना ।
No issue, give money later.
No problem, give money later.
No issue/problem you can give money later.
कोई बात नहीं, एक और लेलो ।
No issue, take one more.
No problem, take one more.
कोई बात नहीं, मै आपकी help करूंगा ।
No issue, I will help you.
No problem, I will help you.
कोई बात नहीं, मै इसे change कर दूंगा ।
No issue, I will change this.
No problem, I will change this.
कोई बात नहीं, अगर मै जाऊँगा तो तुम्हें बता दूंगा ।
No issue, if I go, I will tell you.
No problem, if I go, I will tell you.
No issue/problem, if I go, I will let you know.
कोई बात नहीं, एक दिन उसे भी पता चल जाएगा कि मै कौन हूँ ।
No issue, one day she/he will also come to know that who I am.
No problem, one day she/he will also come to know that who I am.
हो सकता है वो पागल हो ।
May be he is mad.
हो सकता है वो झूठ बोल रही हो ।
May be she is telling a lie.
हो सकता है वो हमसे पहले पहुंच गये हो ।
May be they have reached before us.
हो सकता है उसने ये बात कही ही ना हो ।
May be he has not said this/this thing.
ये भी तो हो सकता है कि वो वहां गया ही ना हो ।
It may also be possible that he has not gone there.
ये भी तो हो सकता है कि उसने ये बात कही ही ना हो ।
It may also be possible that he has not said this/this thing.
ये भी तो हो सकता है कि वो झूठ बोल रहा हो ।
It may also be possible that he is telling a lie.
ये भी तो हो सकता है कि वो अभी तक आई ही ना हो ।
It may also be possible that she has not come yet.
ये भी तो हो सकता है कि उसने किसी को बताया ही ना हो ।
It may also be possible that he has not told anyone.
ये भी तो हो सकता है कि वो दोनो साथ मे आ रहे हो ।
It may also be possible that they both are coming together.
यदि आप पिछले बताए गए Daily Use Sentences वाले पोस्ट को पढना चाहते हैं तो उसका link नीचे दिए गए हैं ।
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यदि आप भी पढना चाहते हैं । और नये पोस्ट की update पाना चाहते हैं, तो हमारे Site के facebook Page And facebook Group - ((( EnglishStudy.in ))) और Instagram Page " EnglishStudy.in " को अवश्य join कर लें ।
I hope कि ये पोस्ट आपको helpful लगा होगा । यदि यह पोस्ट आपको helpful लगा हो, तो पोस्ट को अपने friends और Other students को share अवश्य करें।।। जिससे कि वो सब भी इस पोस्ट को पढकर Daily Use Sentences सीख सकें ।
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ReplyDeleteथोड़ा busy हैं, एक साथ 3, 4 साइट का काम करना पड़ता है । और अभी मेरे घर बनाने का भी काम चल रहा है । So अभी थोड़ा busy हैं इसलिए पोस्ट publish करने मे देरी हो जाती है ।
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