🙏 संक्षिप्त विवरण : Daily Use English Sentences Series का यह 61 वाँ. पोस्ट है और हर पोस्ट की तरह इस पोस्ट मे भी 100+ Daily Use English Speaking Sentences उनके 'हिंदी मीनिंग' के साथ दिए गए हैं ।। ये सभी Sentences बहुत ही Common है जो रोजाना daily life मे उपयोग किये जाते हैं । 

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Top Best 100+ Daily Use English Sentences With Hindi Meaning


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करना क्या है ?
What to do ?

जाना कहाँ है ?
Where to go ?

बोलना क्या है ?
What to speak ?

रखना कहाँ है ?
Where to keep ?

आना कब है ?
When to come ?

क्या क्या खाओगे ?
What all will you eat ?

कहाँ कहाँ जाओगे ?
Where all will you go ?

उसने और क्या कहा ?
What else did he say ?

और क्या खाओगे ?
What else will you eat ?

और कहाँ जाओगे ?
Where else will you go ?

( तुमने ) और क्या देखा ?
What else did you see ?

( तुमने ) और क्या सुना ?
What else did you hear ?

फिलहाल मै काम कर रहा हूँ ।
As of now I am working.

फिलहाल मै सो रहा हूँ ।
As of now I am sleeping.

फिलहाल मै पढ रहा हूँ ।
As of now I am studying.

जाने का कोई फायदा नहीं है ।
There is no use of going.

वहाँ जाने का कोई फायदा नहीं है ।
There is no use of going there.

मुझे लगा ।  I thought

मुझे लगता है ।  I think

मुझे लग रहा है ।  i think

अगर मुझे लगेगा ।  if i feel

मुझे नहीं लगता  I don't think

जब मुझे लगेगा ।  When i feel

मुझे लगा आज रविवार है ।
I thought it's sunday today.

मुझे नहीं लगता कि वो आएगा ।
I don't think that he will come.

मुझे लगता है आज वह नहीं आएगा ।
I think he will not come today.

मुझे लगा तुम नहीं आओगे ।
I thought you would not come.

मुझे लग रहा है आज वे लोग नहीं आएंगे ।
I think they will not come today.

मुझे लग तो रहा था ।
i felt a bit

मुझे जरा भी नहीं लगा ।
i didn't even feel/think.

अब मुझे लगने लगा है ।
Now i feel

अगर मुझे लगेगा तो मै आपको बता दूंगा ।
if I feel, i will let you know.

अब मुझे लगने लगा है कि तुम बोर हो रहे हो ।
Now i feel thay you are getting bored.

मुझे नहीं लगता ।
i don't think

मुझे लगने लगा था ।
i started feeling

तुम्हें नहीं लगता ?
Don't you think ?

तुम्हें नहीं लगता क्या ?
Don't you think ?

मुझे नहीं लगता कि वो आएगा ।
i don't think that he will come.

तुम्हें नहीं लगता कि वो झूठा है ?
Don't you think that he is a liar ?

तुम्हें नहीं लगता कि वो झूठ बोल रहा है ?
Don't you think that he is telling a lie ?

शर्माओ मत ।
Don't feel shy

हिचकिचाओ मत ।
Don't hesitate

घवराओ मत ।
Don't feel fear

बात करते हुए हिचकिचाओ मत ।
Don't hesitate while talking

डरो मत 
Don't afraid

हार मत मानो 
Don't give up

इतराओ मत 
Don't act pricey

हार मत मानो तुम जीत जाओगे 
Don't give up, you will win.

बनो मत/
दिखावा मत करो
Don't show off

लड़ो मत 
Don't quarrel

गिराओ मत 
Don't let it fall down

ज्यादा बनो मत मै तुम्हारे रग रग से वाकिफ हूँ ।
Don't show off, i know you inside out.

ये हुई ना बात
That's the way !
That's the spirit !

हद हो गई/
ये तो हद हो गई
This is too much

समझो हो गया ।
Consider it done.

मुझे इसकी आदत नहीं है ।
I am not used to it.

उसे इसकी आदत नहीं है ।
He is not used to it.

अगर मै तुम्हारी जगह होता तो मना कर देता ।
If I were you, i would deny.

तुम्हारा वहाँ है ।
Yours is there.

इससे बाल झड़ते हैं ।
It causes hairfall.

इससे बहुत दर्द होता है ।
It causes so much pain.

वो वाली लाइट जला दो ।
Switch on that one light.

ये ही तो मै बोल रहा हूँ ।
This it what I am saying.

ये ही तो वो बोल रहा है ।
This is what he is saying.

बस 10 मिनट की ही तो बात है ।
It's only a matter of 10 minutes.

इसे वहाँ रख दो ।
Put it there.

इसे यहाँ रख दो ।
Put it here.

वापस रखो इसे ।
Put it back.

इसे नीचे रख दो ।
Put it down.

इसे ऊपर रख दो ।
Put it up./
Put it on top.

तुमने कहाँ रखा था ?
Where did you put ?

मैने नहीं रखा ये यहां ।
I did not put it here.

यहाँ रख दूँ ?
Shall I put it here ?
Should I put it here ?

इसे यहाँ क्यों रख दिया ?
Why did you put it here ?

मेरा मोबाइल कहाँ रख दिया है ?
Where have you put my mobile ?

तुम तो हर चीज रख कर भूल जाते हो ।
You forget after putting everything.

ये पैसे रख लो ।
Keep this money.

इसे अपने तक रखना/
इस बात को अपने तक रखना ।
Keep it to you.

वो बेहोश हो गया ।
He got unconscious.

अपने गिरेबान में झांको ।
Look into yourself.

जाने का कोई फायदा नहीं है ।
There is no use of going.

वहाँ जाने का कोई फायदा नहीं है ।
There is no use of going there.

खाना खा कर जाना ।
Go after taking food.
Go after eating food.
Go after having food.

मुझसे मिलकर जाना ।
Go after meeting me.

मुझे बताकर जाना ।
Go after telling me.
Go after informing me.

मेरे लिए कुछ लेकर आना ।
Come after bringing something for me.

हद में रहो अपनी ।
औकात मे रहो अपनी ।
Be in your limits.
Stay in your limits.
Stay within your limits.

तुम्हें अपनी हद मे रहना चाहिए ।
You should be in your limits.
You should stay in your limits.
You should stay within your limits.

उससे कहना अपनी हद/औकात मे रहे ।
Say him to be in his limits.
Say him to stay in his limits.
Say him to stay within his limits.

लगता है तुम अपनी हद/औकात भूल गए हो ।
I think you have forgot your limits.

तुम्हें भी अभी पूछना था ।
तुम्हें भी इसी टाइम पूछना था ।
You too had to ask right away.

तुम्हें भी अभी बताना था ।
तुम्हें भी इसी टाइम बताना था ।
You too had to tell right away.

उसे भी अभी आना था ।
उसे भी इसी टाइम आना था ।
He too had to come right away.

लाइट को भी अभी जाना था ।
लाइट को भी इसी टाइम जाना था ।
The power too had to go off right away.

तुम्हारा क्या जाता है ?
What do you lose ( लूज ) ?

तुम्हारा क्या जा रहा है ?
What do you losing ( लूजिंग ) ?

मेरा कुछ नहीं जा रहा ।
I am not losing anything.

उसका क्या गया, उसने तो साफ साफ मना कर दिया ।
What did he lose ? He denied clearly.

और हाँ, मै भी चलूंगा ।
And yes, I also will come.

और हाँ, किसी को बताना मत ।
And yes, don't tell anyone.

और हाँ, पहुँच कर कॉल कर देना ।
And yes, call me after reaching.

और हाँ, जल्दी आ जाना कल ।
And yes, come early tomorrow.

और हाँ, सब्जी भी ले आना ।
And yes, bring vegetable as well.

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