🙏 संक्षिप्त विवरण : Daily Use English Sentences Series का यह 62 वाँ. पोस्ट है और हर पोस्ट की तरह इस पोस्ट मे भी 100+ Daily Use English Speaking Sentences उनके 'हिंदी मीनिंग' के साथ दिए गए हैं ।। ये सभी Sentences बहुत ही Common है जो रोजाना daily life मे उपयोग किये जाते हैं । 

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Daily Use English Sentences With Hindi Meaning List, Daily Use 100+ Sentences list is available here.


Learn Daily Use English Sentences

कितना खाते हो तुम ।
How much you eat.

कितना रोते हो तुम ।
How much you cry.

कितना सोचते हो तुम ।
How much you think.

कितना हँसते हो तुम ।
How much you laugh.

कितना चिल्लाता है वो ।
How much he shouts.

कितना बोलते हो तुम ।
How much you speak.

कितना गुस्सा करते हो तुम ।
How much you get angry.

कितना डरते हो तुम ।
How much you get afraid.

मै तो रूकूंगा ही ।
I will obviously stay.

वो तो आयेगा ही ।
He will obviously come.

तुम तो बोलोगे ही ।
You will obviously speak.

ये तो वो ही जाने ।
Only he knows this.
Only she knows this.

ये तो तुम ही जानो ।
Only you know this.

ये तो भगवान ही जाने ।
Only god knows this.

ये तो राहुल ही जाने ।
Only Rahul knows this.

वो ही जाने ।
Only he knows.
Only she knows.

भगवान ही जाने ।
Only God knows.

तुम भी तो वहीं थे ।
You were also there.

तुम्हें ये कहाँ से मिला ?
Where did you get it from ?

सारा खेल किस्मत का है ।
It's all about luck.

सारा खेल पैसों का है ।
It's all about money.

सारा खेल सोच का है ।
It's all about mindset.

सारा खेल मेहनत का है ।
It's all about hardwork.

सारा खेल नॉलेज का है ।
It's all about knowledge.

क्या है ये ?
ये क्या बात है ?
ये क्या बात हुई ?
ये कौन सी बात हुई ?
What is this ?

ये क्या बात हुई ? तुम नहीं आओगे ।
What is this ? You will not come.

ये क्या बात हुई ? अब तुम मना कर रहे हो ।
What is this ? You are denying now.

मुझे ध्यान नहीं रहा ।/
मेरे दिमाग से निकल गया ।/
ये मेरे दिमाग से निकल गया ।/
ये बात मेरे दिमाग से निकल गई ।
I forgot.
I forgot about it.
It slipped my mind.

मुझे बिल्कुल भी ध्यान नहीं रहा ।/
ये मुझे बिल्कुल भी ध्यान नहीं रहा ।/
मेरे दिमाग से बिल्कुल ही निकल गया ।/
ये मेरे दिमाग से बिल्कुल ही निकल गया ।/
ये बात मेरे दिमाग से बिल्कुल ही निकल गई ।
It totally slipped my mind.
It completely slipped my mind.

बहुत हो गया काम ।
Enough of work.

बहुत हो गई पढाई ।
Enough of study.

बहुत हो गया ये सब ।
Enough of this all.

बहुत हो गया मजाक ।
Enough of joke.

बहुत हो गया तुम्हारा मजाक ।
Enough of your joke.

बहुत हो गया उसका ड्रामा ।
Enough of her drama.

बहुत हो गया तुम्हारा ड्रामा ।
Enough of your drama.

बहुत हो गई तुम्हारी बकवास ।
Enough of your nonsense.

बहुत हो गया काम चलो थोड़ा आराम कर लेते हैं ।
Enough of work, let's take some rest.

मेरा कोई कसूर नहीं है ।
I am not at fault.
I don't have any fault.

कसूर तुम्हारा है इसमें ।
You are at fault in this.
You have fault in this.

इसमें उसका कोई कसूर नहीं है ।
He is not at fault in this.
He doesn't have any fault in this.

तुम्हें क्या लगता है इसमें कसूर मेरा है ?
What do you think, I am at fault in this ?
What do you think, I have fault in this ?

मैने क्या किया ? What did I do ?

यह/ये किसने किया ? Who did it ?

मैने झूठ नहीं बोला ।  I did not tell a lie.

ये तुमने क्या किया ? What did you do it ?

तुमने ऐसा क्यों किया ? Why did you do so ?

तुमने झूठ क्यों बोला ? Why did you tell a lie ?

तुमने उसे क्यों मारा ? Why did you beat him ?

क्या कहा तुमने मुझे ? What did you say to me ?

तुमने कैसे झूठ नहीं बोला ? How didn't you tell a lie

वो तो अभी घर पर नहीं हैं । He is not at home right now.

मैने तो उसे देखा तक नहीं ।
I did not even see him.

उसने तो बात तक नहीं की ।
He did not even talk to me.

तुमने तो मुझे reply तक नहीं किया ।
You did not even reply me.

उसने तो पानी तक नहीं पूछा ।
He did not even ask for water.

तुमने तो मुझे फोन तक नहीं किया ।
You did not even call me.
You did not even phone me up.

तुमने तो मेरे बारे में सोचा तक नहीं ।
You did not even think about me.

मैने तो वहाँ पर पानी तक नहीं पिया ।
I did not even drink water over there.

कोई है जो बता सकें ?
कोई है जो बता सकता है ?
It there anyone who can tell ?

कोई है जो इसे कर सकें ?
कोई है जो इसे कर सकता है ?
It there anyone who can do this ?

कोई है जो मेरी तरह कर सके ?
कोई है जो मेरी तरह कर सकता है ?
It there anyone who can do like me ?

कोई है जो इस सवाल का उत्तर दे सकें ?
कोई है जो इस सवाल का उत्तर दे सकता है ?
It there anyone who can answer this question ?

कोई है जो बिना मोबाइल के रह सकें ?
कोई है जो बिना मोबाइल के रह सकता है ?
It there anyone who can live without mobile ?

सीखने की कोई उम्र नहीं होती ।
Learning has no age limit.
Learning does not have age limit.
There is no age limit for/of learning.

उन दोनो का चक्कर चल रहा है ।
They both are having an affair.

उन दोनो का चक्कर चल रहा था ।
They both were having an affair.

जरूर उन दोनो का चक्कर चल रहा होगा ।
They both must be having an affair.

मेरा किसी से चक्कर नहीं चल रहा ।
I am not having an affair with anyone.

क्या तुम्हारा किसी से चक्कर चल रहा है ?
Are you having an affair with someone ?

तुम्हारा किसी से चक्कर तो नहीं चल रहा ना ?
You are not having an affair with anyone, are you ?

पक्का उसका किसी से चक्कर चल रहा है ।
He/She is having an affair with someone for sure.

शुरू शुरू मे ये होता है ।
शुरू शुरू मे ऐसा होता है ।
Initially it happens.
In starting it happens.
In the beginning it happens.

शुरू शुरू मे मुझे नहीं पता था ।
Initially i didn't know.
In starting i didn't know.
In the beginning i didn't know.

शुरू शुरू मे मै भी ऐसा ही सोचता था ।
Initially I also used to think the same.
In starting I also used to think the same.
In the beginning I also used to think the same.

शुरू शुरू मे हर किसी से गलती होती है ।
Initially everyone makes mistake.
In starting everyone makes mistake.
In the beginning everyone makes mistake.

मुझे क्या पता था/
मुझे क्या खबर थी ।
Little did I know.

मुझे क्या पता था कि वो शादीशुदा है ।
Little did I know that he was married.

मुझे क्या पता था कि तुम मना कर दोगे ।
Little did I know that you would deny.

मुझे क्या पता था कि तुम सो रहे हो ।
Little did i know that you were sleeping.

मुझे क्या पता था कि वो झूठ बोल रहा है ।
Little did I know that he was telling a lie.

मुझे क्या पता था कि तुम नहीं आओगे ।
Little did i know that you would not come.

मुझे क्या पता था कि वहाँ पर कोई नहीं है ।
Little did I know that noone was over there.

मुझे क्या पता था कि ये खाली है ।
Little did i know that it was empty.

मुझे क्या पता था कि तुम एक दूसरे को पहले से ही जानते हो ।
Little did I know that you knew each other beforehand.

मुझे क्या पता था कि वो पागल है ।
Little did I know that he was mad.

हमें क्या पता था कि तुम चले जाओगे ।
Little did we know that you would go.

मुझे क्या पता था कि वो यहाँ आ जाएगा ।
Little did I know that he would come here.

मुझे क्या पता था कि वो कोई और है ।
Little did i know that he was someone else.

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